Frequently Asked Questions

How do you analyze my game to find my leaks?

We use a variety of methods to analyze your game, discover leaks, highlight areas for improvement, and develop a plan to transform your game. Although we use a structured methodology, we are certainly flexible and will work with you to find the best ways to help you. The common ways we...
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How do the sessions work?

We will schedule sessions as regularly as you want. Ideally, we would meet once per week to review previous sessions, provide some valuable coaching, and then plan the next session. For each session, we will connect over Discord and share screens. Alternatively, we can use Facebook...
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Can I get custom coaching?

You bet! If you have trouble spots you'd like to work on, we can help! If not, we can analyze your game, and develop a customized plan.

Do you do group coaching?

Sometimes, a study group will have questions about a certain spot. We are happy to work with your group to help you all improve. Contact us for details.